Diese Website wird von der WOW Tech Europe GmbH ("WOW" "wir" oder "uns") betrieben. Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Impressum.
Mit dieser Datenschutzerklärung möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, wie wir personenbezogenen Daten wir verwenden, wenn Sie unsere Webseite besuchen und wenn wir unsere Dienstleistung erbringen und welche Rechte Sie diesbezüglich haben.
Bei jedem Besuch unserer Website übermittelt Ihr Browser automatisch Informationen an uns. Dazu gehören die IP-Adresse Ihres Gerätes, Datum und Uhrzeit des Zugriffs, Name und Adresse der angeforderten Datei, übertragene Datenmenge, Meldung, ob die Anfrage erfolgreich war, Informationen über den verwendeten Browser und das Betriebssystem und Name Ihres Internet-Providers. Diese Daten werden verarbeitet und vorübergehend gespeichert, um die Nutzung der Website zu erleichtern (Verbindungsaufbau). Darüber hinaus werden die Daten in anonymisierter und aggregierter Form ausgewertet (d.h. Rückschlüsse auf einzelne Nutzer sind nicht möglich) und für statistische Zwecke, im Interesse der Systemsicherheit, der technischen Verwaltung der Netzwerkinfrastruktur und zur Optimierung unserer Webseite verwendet. Dies alles sind unsere berechtigten Interessen, weshalb wir die Verarbeitung auf Art. 6 (1) lit. f) der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO).
Wir nutzen unsere Website als Informationsplattform, um Ihre Anfragen zu beantworten. Um Kontaktanfragen persönlicher zu gestalten, haben Sie die Möglichkeit Informationen zu sich, Kommentare oder Fragen über ein Formular anzugeben. Die jeweilige Rechtsgrundlage für diese Verarbeitung ist unser berechtigtes Interesse (Art. 6 (1) lit. f) DSGVO).
Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten zum Zwecke der Angebotserstellung und zur Erfüllung vertraglicher Verpflichtungen (basierend auf Art. 6 (1) lit. b) DSGVO).
Soweit wir personenbezogenen Daten für die Buchhaltung, die Kostenrechnung und die Erfüllung gesetzlicher Verpflichtungen (z. B. aus Handels- oder Steuerrecht) verarbeiten, stützen wir uns auf Art. 6 (1) lit. c) DSGVO.
Auf der Rechtsgrundlage von Art. 6 (1) lit. f) DSGVO sammeln wir Informationen unter anderem durch die Teilnahme an Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen, persönliche Empfehlungen und Mitarbeiterregistrierung durch Arbeitgeber für die Nutzung unserer Dienstleistungen und durch ausgewählte externe Geschäftspartner. Basierend auf Ihrer Zustimmung (und damit Art. 6 (1) lit. a) DSGVO) verwenden wir Daten, um Ihnen Informationen über Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Veranstaltungen und andere wissenswerte In-formationen über unser Unternehmen zukommen zu lassen. Ihre Einwilligung können Sie jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft unter den im Impressum angegebenen Kontaktdaten widerrufen.
Auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 a) GDPR) verwenden wir Ihre Daten, um Ihnen Informationen über Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Veranstaltungen und andere wissenswerte Informationen über unser Unternehmen zukommen zu lassen. Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft unter den im Impressum angegebenen Kontaktdaten widerrufen.
Sie haben die Möglichkeit, sich bei uns ein Nutzerkonto anzulegen. Die von Ihnen innerhalb des Formulars zur Registrierung verpflichtend anzugebenen Daten haben wir durch eine Kennzeichnung als Pflichtfelder hervorgehoben. Diese Angaben sind für das Einrichten eines Nutzerkontos erforderlich und werden auf Grundlage von Art. 6 (1) b) DSGVO verarbeitet. Die übrigen, von Ihnen über die Pflichtangaben hinausgehenden, uns mitgeteilten Informationen verarbeiten wir auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen Ihre freiwilligen Angaben für das Nutzerkonto zu verwenden (Art. 6 (1) f) DSGVO). Wenn Sie in Bezug auf Ihre freiwilligen Angaben Widerspruch gegen die Datenverarbeitung erteilen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte die im Impressum angegeben E-Mail-Adresse.
Wenn Sie auf unserer Webseite einen Artikel bestellen, benötigen wir personenbezogen Daten, um unseren vertraglichen Pflichten gegenüber Ihnen nachzukommen. Es ist sowohl möglich, dass Sie eine Bestellung ohne Registrierung eines Nutzerkontos abschließen als auch, dass Sie die zu Ihrem Nutzerkonto hinterlegten Informationen für eine schnellere und komfortablere Bestellung benutzen. In beiden Fällen sind zur Vertragsabwicklung Angaben zur Rechnungs- und Versandadresse sowie Zahlungsinformationen erforderlich. Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung der zuvor genannten Daten ist Art. 6 (1) b) DSGVO. Auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (Art. 6 (1) f) DSGVO) verarbeiten wir Informationen, die Sie uns über das für den Vertrag Erforderliche hinaus mitteilen. Wenn Widerspruch gegen diese Datenverarbeitung erteilen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte die im Impressum angegeben E-Mail-Adresse.
Wir bieten Ihnen in Zusammenarbeit mit Dienstleistern verschiedene Zahlungsmöglichkeiten an. Wenn Sie sich für eine Zahlungsmöglichkeit entscheiden, werden Zahlungsdaten im Rahmen der Durchführung von Transaktionen an die einzelnen Dienstleister übermittelt. In einigen Fällen behalten sich die Zahlungsdienstleister eine Bonitätsprüfung auf Grundlage von mathematisch-statistischer Verfahren unter Verwendung von Anschriftendaten vor. Informationen zu den verwendeten Auskunfteien können Sie bei einigen Zahlungsanbietern vor Abschluss der Bezahlung in dem Browserfenster einsehen, in dem die Bezahloption angeboten wird. Zu den Zahlungsdienstleistern, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten, gehören die folgenden Unternehmen, deren Datenschutzerklärungen auch zusätzlich unter folgenden Links abrufbar sind:
- Amazon Pay: Amazon Payments Europe s.c.a., 5, Rue Plaetis, L 2338 Luxemburg –
- PayPal: PayPal (Europe) S.a.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg –
- Visa: Visa Europe Management Services Limited, Neue Mainzer Strasse 66-68, 60311 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland –
- Mastercard: Mastercard Europe SA, Chaussée de Tervuren 198A, B-1410 Waterloo Belgium –
- griopay: giropay GmbH, An der Welle 4, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland –
- Payone: BS PAYONE GmbH, Lyoner Straße 9, D-60528 Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland –
In dem Sie sich für eine der Zahlungsoptionen entscheiden, wird die Durchführung der Zahlung und die im Rahmen dessen erfolgende Datenverarbeitung mit dem Dienstleister und erforderlich für die Durchführung des Vertrages zwischen Ihnen und uns. Rechtsgrundlagen für die Datenverarbeitung ist Art. 6 (1) b) DSGVO und Datenverarbeitungen, die über das zur Durchführung des Vertrags Erforderliche hinausgehen, nehmen wir auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen vor (Art. 6 (1) f) DSGVO).
Wenn Sie als Käufer einer unserer Produkte einen Garantieanspruch gelten machen, benötigen wir hierfür Angaben zu Ihrer Person und Ihrem Kauf bei uns. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie Anhänge über das entsprechende Formular an uns übermitteln. Zur zentralen Erfassung von Anfragen und zur Weiterleitung dieser an uns verwenden wir den Dienst NetSuite, der von Oracle (ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Riesstraße 25, D-80992 München) betrieben wird. Die als Pflichtfelder markierten Angaben sind für die Prüfung und Bearbeitung und ggf. zur Wahrung Ihres Garantieanspruchs erforderlich und werden auf Grundlage von Art. 6 (1) b) und c) DSGVO verarbeitet. Weitere Angaben, die Sie freiwillig an uns übermitteln, verarbeiten wir auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen an der Verwendung dieser Informationen (Art. 6 (1) f) DSGVO). Wenn Sie in Bezug auf Ihre freiwilligen Angaben Widerspruch gegen die Datenverarbeitung erteilen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte die im Impressum angegeben E-Mail-Adresse.
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie uns Ihre Bewertung eines unserer Produkte oder aus einem anderen Grund einen Kommentar zukommen lassen. Die von Ihnen in den Formularen angegebenen Informationen verarbeiten wir zur Verbesserung unseres Angebots und ggf. um Rückfragen stellen zu können auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (Art. 6 (1) f) DSGVO). Zur zentralen Erfassung von Anfragen und zur Weiterleitung dieser an uns verwenden wir den Dienst NetSuite, der von Oracle (ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Riesstraße 25, D-80992 München) betrieben wird. Wenn Sie der Datenverarbeitung im Nachhinein widersprechen wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Kontaktdaten im Impressum.
Auf unserer Webseite können Sie als Händler eine Anfrage an uns richten. Um Ihre Anfrage besser einordnen und bearbeiten zu können, bitten wir Sie innerhalb des Formulars die entsprechenden Angaben zu tätigen. Wir verarbeiten die im Formular angegeben Daten dazu, Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten. Wenn die Bearbeitung der Anfrage ein künftiges Vertragsverhältnis mit Ihnen direkt betrifft, ist die Rechtsgrundlage Art. 6 (1) b) DSGVO. Zur zentralen Erfassung von Anfragen und zur Weiterleitung dieser an uns verwenden wir den Dienst NetSuite, der von Oracle (ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Riesstraße 25, D-80992 München) betrieben wird. Bei anderen Anfragen verarbeiten wir die Daten auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen, Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten (Art. 6 (1) f) DSGVO). Im zuletzt genannten Fall können Sie in Form einer E-Mail an die im Impressum angegebene Adresse der Datenverarbeitung widersprechen.
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, Zählpixel sind kleine Grafikdateien, die auf Ihrem Rechner abgelegt werden (gemeinsam nachfolgend "Cookies" genannt). Cookies ermöglichen es, Sie als bestimmten Kunden zu identifizieren und sowohl Ihre persönlichen Präferenzen bei der Nutzung unserer Website als auch technische Informationen zu speichern. Der Hauptvorteil für Sie besteht darin, dass Sie nicht bei jedem Besuch unserer Website die in den Cookies enthaltenen Informationen eingeben müssen. Cookies enthalten nicht unbedingt personenbezogene Daten oder geben diese weiter. Wenn Sie jedoch auf unserer Website personenbezogene Daten eingeben, kann dies mit den in den Cookies gespeicherten Daten verbunden sein.
Soweit wir nachfolgend keine ausdrücklichen, anderweitigen Angaben machen, stützen wir die Verarbeitung von über Cookies erhobene Daten auf unser berechtigtes Interesse, Ihnen eine praktische Website anzubieten Art. 6 (1) lit. f) DSGVO.
Sie können das Speichern von Cookies in Ihrem Browser generell oder nur für unsere Website deaktivieren oder blockieren. Wie das geht, erfahren Sie in der Hilfefunktion Ihres Browsers. Dies kann jedoch zu Einschränkungen in der Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Website führen.
Cookie-Einwilligung: Um feststellen zu können, ob Sie der Verarbeitung von Daten im Zusammenhang mit Cookies erforderlichenfalls zugestimmt haben, setzen wir aufgrund unseres berechtigten Interesses einen Cookie ein, der uns genau darüber informiert zu welcher Art von Verarbeitung Sie Ihre Zustimmung gegeben oder ob sie nicht zugestimmt haben.
Eigene Cookies: Für einen Teil unserer Dienste ist es erforderlich, dass wir Cookies einsetzen. Hauptzweck unserer eigenen Cookies ist, die Nutzung unserer Services so zeitsparend wie möglich zu gestalten, indem wir bspw. die von Ihnen ausgewählte Sprache speichern. Wir verwenden eigene Cookies insbesondere zur Login-Authentifizierung, zur Lastverteilung und um zu vermerken, dass Ihnen eine auf unserer Website platzierte Informationen angezeigt wurde.
Wir verwenden Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst der Google LLC. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, "Google"). Google Analytics ermöglicht die Erstellung von Statistiken über die Websitenutzung und deren Quellen. Die Speicherdauer des Cookies beträgt 2 Jahre. Wir verwenden Google Analytics ausschließlich zu statistischen Zwecken, z.B. um zu verfolgen, wie viele Nutzer auf ein bestimmtes Element oder eine bestimmte Information geklickt haben. Google Analytics basiert auf Cookies und zeichnet Informationen über Ihre Nutzung unserer Website auf, einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse. Um zu verhindern, dass Benutzer durch ihre IP-Adressen identifiziert werden, verwenden wir einen speziellen Code, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre IP-Adresse nur in abgeschnittener und damit anonymisierter Form erfasst wird. Es ist nicht mehr möglich, einzelne Benutzer mit dieser verkürzten IP-Adresse zu identifizieren. Weitergehende Informationen zum Datenschutz bei Google Analytics können Sie hier finden:
Sie können der Erhebung und Übermittlung von Daten an Google vorbeugen, indem Sie das unter folgendem Link verfügbare Plug-in herunterladen und installieren:
You can change your settings by going to the Google Marketing Platform's deactivation page () or the deactivation page of the NAI (Network Advertising Initiative). Alternatively, you can deactivate Google Cookies on the Digital Advertising Alliance website using the following link (). You can also block the storing of Cookies by changing the settings in your browser.
We use Google Analytics Audiences, a service provided by Google. Google Analytics Audience uses cookies that are stored on your computer and other mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets, etc.) to help analyze how users use these devices (legal basis is consent (Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR)). The retention period for the cookie is 2 years. Google gains access to the cookies created by Google AdWords and Google Analytics. In the course of use, data, such as the IP address and user activities, is transmitted to a server of Google. You can prevent Google from collecting the data as described under the "General information on Google's processing" section above.
For further information on data protection when using Google Analytics and how to install the browser plugin to prevent Google Analytics from tracking your activities please see the "Google Analytics" section (8.1) above.
On our website we use the Google Tag Manager of Google, which is used to trigger tags that we manage through an interface. The Tag Manager tool itself (which implements the tags) works without the use of cookies and does not collect personal data. However, the tool triggers other tags that may collect personal data. Google Tag Manager does not access such data. If a deactivation has been made at domain or cookie level, it will remain in effect for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager.
For further information on the processing by Google and how to prevent Google from processing please see the "General information on Google's processing (8.1.)" section above.
We use Google AdWords and Google AdWords Conversion of Google to measure the efficiency of individual ads, offers and functions. A cookie is placed as soon as you click on a Google ad. This cookie is not intended for personal identification but to enable us to ascertain whether you return to the website with the specific offer within the cookie's validity of 30 days. The information obtained by the conversion cookie is for compiling conversion statistics for AdWords customers who opted for conversion tracking. We gain information on the total number of users who clicked on an ad and were forwarded to a website with a conversion tracking tag.
Further information on Google's processing of data and how you can disable the respective processing under the "General information on Google's processing (8.1.)" section above.
DoubleClick is a service provided by Google. DoubleClick uses cookies to display advertisements that may be relevant to you. A pseudonymous identification number is assigned to your browser in order to check which ads were displayed to you and which ads were viewed. The use of DoubleClick cookies enables Google and its partner websites to display ads based on previous visits to our or other websites. The legal basis is consent (Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR). The information generated by the cookies is transferred to a Google server in the USA. Google only transfers the data to third parties on the basis of legal provisions or within the scope of order processing. Data processed with DoubleClick is stored for up to 2 years and cookies are deleted after 11 months. For further information on Google's processing of data and how you may prevent Google from doing so please see the "General information on Google's processing (8.1.)" section above.
Google Dynamic Remarketing is a service provided by Google. Our website uses a pixel which establishes a connection to Google servers. Information transmitted to Google for example includes that you have visited our website. Google associates this information with an ID that is stored on your device in the form of a cookie or is provided by your device. If you visit other websites also using Google Dynamic Remarketing, this information will be linked to your pseudonymous ID. The legal basis is consent (Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR). However, it is not clear to us which other websites you visit. We can also provide our websites with so-called "remarketing tags". This means that we include keywords in our website that contain statements about the content of the page displayed (such as product or service categories). The keywords we use do not contain any personally identifiable information. Google receives and stores these keywords for the above-mentioned recognition features. If you visit a page that we have identified with a specific product category, Google will store the respective keyword and associate it with your recognition characteristics. The processed data is stored for a period of two years. Further information on Google`s processing and how you can prevent it can be found above in the "General information on Google's processing (8.1.)" section.
For affiliate marketing we are members of the affiliate program of AWIN AG, Eichhornstraße 3, 10785 Berlin, Germany. AWIN uses cookies to trace the origin of the conclusion of the contract. Among other things, AWIN recognizes that you have clicked on the partner link provided and have subsequently entered into a contract. The legal basis is our legitimate interest. You can disable cookies from the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI). deactivation page or from the Digital Advertising Alliance website by using the following link. You can also prevent the storage of cookies using the general settings of your browser. Information on data processing by AWIN can be found at.
To display our Trusted Shops seal of approval and our collected reviews as well as to offer Trusted Shops products to buyers after an order, this website includes the Trusted Shops Trustbadge, an offer of Trusted Shops GmbH, Subbelrather Str. 15C, 50823 Cologne, Germany. When you call up the trust badge, the web server automatically saves a so-called server log file, which contains, for example, your IP address, the date and time of the call, the amount of data transferred and the requesting provider (access data) and documents the request. These access data are not evaluated and are automatically overwritten at the latest seven days after the end of your page visit. Legal basis are our legitimate interests. You can disable cookies from the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI). deactivation page or from the Digital Advertising Alliance website by using the following link . You can also prevent the storage of cookies by using the general configuration of your browser.
Further personal data will only be transferred to Trusted Shops if you decide to use Trusted Shops products after placing an order or if you have already registered for their use. In this case, the contractual agreement between you and Trusted Shops applies and the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 b) and f) GDPR.
In order to secure our orders and to protect ourselves against payment defaults, we check frequent fraud patterns and anomalies. For this purpose, order and payment data (e.g. address, article, payment method) and device information (e.g. device, browser) are processed. Within this scope we work with services ThreatMetrix, Inc. 160 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 1400, San Jose, California 95113, USA "Threat Metrix" together. Threat Metrix compares device data with a network of trusted identities to prevent abuse and crime. In the event that personal data is transferred to the United States, Threat Metrix is self-certified under the Privacy Shield. Data processing is based on our legitimate interest in protecting against misuse and securing orders. You can disable cookies from the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI). deactivation page or from the Digital Advertising Alliance website by using the following link . You can also prevent the storage of cookies by using the general configuration of your browser.
To integrate Amazon Pay and the PayPal payment functions, cookies are used based on our legitimate interests. You can deactivate or delete cookies in your browser, but this will prevent the payment options from working.
On our website we use ADCELL, a German affiliate network for affiliate marketing, which is operated by Firstlead GmbH, Rosenfelder Str. 15-16, 10315 Berlin. Via ADCELL, registered providers can advertise their offers within the framework of programmes. After clicking on Affiliate Markeitng Links, which lead to offers on external websites, a cookie is stored by ADCELL, which contains an ID, which allows an assignment for ADCELL. In this way, it is possible for ADCELL to recognize that you have become aware of the offer via our website and that you have called up the website. Even a possible purchase of the product can be traced and assigned to our affiliate ID. Cookies that we set with the help of ADCELL have a storage period of one year. The purpose of processing the data is to track the various successes (transaction, lead, sale) and to process commission payments. At you have the possibility to prevent data processing with the help of ADCELL. You can disable cookies from the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI). deactivation page or from the Digital Advertising Alliance website by using the following link. You can also prevent the storage of cookies via the general settings of your browser.
We partner with Rakuten Advertising, who may collect personal information when you interact with our site. The collection and use of this information is subject to the privacy policy located here:
In order to protect your entries on our website, we use the re-CAPTCHA service of Google on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 f) DSGVO. The query is used to differentiate whether the entry is made by a human being or misused by automated, machine processing. This purpose also represents our legitimate interest. The query includes sending the IP address to Google for the service reCAPTCHA.
Further information on Google`s processing can be found above in the "General information on Google's processing" section 8.1.
In the context of lotteries, we use personal data for the purpose of conducting the lottery and notifying you of a win. Detailed information can be found in the conditions of participation for the respective lottery. The legal basis for the processing is the lottery contract pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.
If you participate in one of our surveys, we use your data for market and opinion research. We evaluate the data anonymously for internal purposes. If surveys are exceptionally not evaluated anonymously, the data will only be collected with your consent. In the case of anonymous surveys, the GDPR is not applicable and in the case of exceptional personal evaluations, the legal basis is the aforementioned consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 a) GDPR.
When subscribing to our newsletter on our website we will process your data (e.g. name, e-mail address, IP address and date and time of your subscription). For the registration for our newsletter we use a double opt-in procedure: After your subscription you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation ensures is required so that no unauthorized third party can register with your e-mail address. The collection of personal data serves to send the newsletter. The legal basis is consent (Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR).
The data will be saved as long as the subscription to the newsletter is active. You can revoke your con-sent for example via the "unsubscribe" link in every newsletter or by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address in the imprint.
In our newsletters, we use common technologies which allow us to measure the interactions with the newsletters (e.g. opening of the e-mail, clicked links). We use this data in pseudonymous form for general statistical evaluations as well as for the optimization and further development of our content and customer communication. This is done with the help of small graphics embedded in the newsletter (so-called pixels). The data is collected exclusively under a pseudonym and is not linked to your other personal data. The legal basis for this is your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 a) GDPR). If you do not want us to analyze the effectiveness of our newsletter, you can deactivate graphics in your e-mail program by default or unsubscribe from the newsletter. The data relating to the interaction with our newsletters is stored pseudonymously for 30 days and then completely anonymized.
If you would like to be included in our press mailing list, you can register for it on our website. After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link, after clicking on this link you have successfully registered for our press mailing list. We process the information you enter in the form in order to send you press related content and inquires on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) a) DSGVO). To unsubscribe from the press mailing list and revoke your consent, please contact us under
We use the provider You Tube to be able to present videos to you. YouTube is operated by YouTube LLC with its headquarters at 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube is represented by Google. The legal basis for the use of YouTube plug-ins is Article 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.
We use embedded YouTube videos in advanced privacy mode. According to YouTube, this means the following: YouTube does not store cookies for a user who displays a website with an embedded YouTube video player but does not click on the video to start playback. When you click on the YouTube video player, YouTube may store cookies on the user's computer, but we do not store personal cookie information for embedded video playback.
For further information on the processing by please see the "General information on Google's processing" section under (8.1.).
We use the following social media operators:
- Snapchat
- Youtube
The operators of the social media platforms (e.g. Facebook) are involved in the operation of the websites just listed. They are also responsible (controllers) within the meaning of data protection law. We can hardly influence the data processing carried out by the platform operators and are dependent on the information the respective providers give us. To the extent we can exert influence and have a part in determining data processing, we aim to ensure that the operator of the social media platform treats the data in a manner appropriate to data protection.
The data you disclose using our social media pages, such as comments, videos, pictures, likes, public news, etc. are published by the social media platform. We only reserve the right to comment on or delete content if this is necessary. In some cases, we share your content on our site and communicate with you through the social media platform. We use the social media platforms for advertising purposes. The statistics made available to us by the provider of the social media platform can only be influenced to a limited extent and cannot be switched off. The legal basis is our legitimate interest in carrying out the aforementioned processes (Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR).
If you wish to object to a specific data processing on which we have an influence, please contact the address given in imprint.
Social media platform operators use web tracking methods. Web tracking can be performed regardless of whether you are logged in or registered with the social media platform. As already mentioned, we can hardly influence the web tracking methods of the social media platform and for example cannot switch it off. It cannot be excluded that the provider of the social media platform may use data, for example to evaluate habits, personal relationships, preferences, etc. In this area we have no influence on the processing of data by the platform operator.
Further information on data processing by the provider of the social media platform and further possibilities for objection can be found in the data protection declaration of the providers:
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- YouTube:
- LinkedIn:
- Instagram:
- Pinterest:
- Snapchat:
We work with service providers who assist us in providing our services on this website. These service providers are named in the relevant areas within this Data Protection policy and process data solely on behalf of and under the control of WOW and only for the purposes described in this Data Protection Policy.
Personal data is stored for as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes. The data will be deleted at the latest after termination of the contractual relationship and after expiry of the statutory retention periods of civil, commercial and tax law.
Data that is collected while surfing on our website (see section 1) and that can legally be considered personal data (e.g. the complete IP address) is stored for a period of 14 days, unless an unusual incident requires a longer storage period (e.g. after a hacker attack).
If we process data on the basis of legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR), these will be stored until you object to the processing or until your legitimate interests prevail.
Your Rights / Contact Information
You can request access to the personal data stored about you and have the right to receive the data you provided in a common and machine-readable format. In addition, you may, in justified cases, request the deletion, correction or limitation of the processing of your data. If you have given us your consent, you can revoke it at any time with effect for the future. If your personal data are transferred to a country outside the EU that does not offer adequate protection, you can request a copy of the contract that ensures adequate protection of personal data. You also have a general right to complain to a supervisory authority about our data processing.
If we use your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, you may object to the processing and use of your data. In this case, we will no longer use your data unless our interests prevail. You can object to the use of your data for direct marketing purposes at any time without further consideration.
In order to exercise the aforementioned rights, please contact us directly in writing or via e-mail or contact our Data Protection Officer under datenschutz Nord GmbH, Kurfürstendamm 212, 10719 Berlin, Germany,
Right of Withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform WOW Tech Europe GmbH, Hermann-Blankenstein Straße 5, 10249 Berlin, (+49 (0) 30 95 999 3810 | of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.
You shall send back the goods or hand them over to
eCom Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
Retourenabteilung / Arcwave
Straße der Einheit 142 – 148
D - 14612 Falkensee
without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate your withdrawal from this contract to us. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the goods.
You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal does not apply for distance selling contracts
- for the delivery of goods that are not prefabricated and whose assembly depends on the individual choice or determination of the consumer;
- for the delivery of goods that are customized to the personal needs of the consumer;
- for the delivery of goods that can spoil quickly and whose expiration date would be quickly exceeded;
- for the delivery of sealed goods that are not suitable for return for health or hygienic reasons if their seal was removed after delivery;
- for the delivery of goods that, due to their composition, are inseparably combined with other goods after delivery;
- for the delivery of audio or video recordings or computer software in sealed packaging if the seal was removed after delivery.
Sample withdrawal form
If you want to withdraw from the contract, please complete this form and send it to us.
WOW Tech Europe GmbH
Hermann-Blankenstein Straße 5
10249 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 30 95 999 3810
[insert withdrawal form]
Warranty Terms
WOW Tech Europe GmbH provides consumers with a voluntary manufacturer's warranty for Arcwave products in addition to the statutory warranty to which the consumer is entitled with regards to his seller.
1. Warranty declaration
WOW Tech Europe GmbH (hereinafter "Manufacturer") warrantys the consumer and customer (hereinafter "Customer") that the products of the "Arcwave" brand (hereinafter "Products") are of perfect quality. The products are in perfect condition if they don't have material, manufacturing and design defects. Decisive factor for determining whether there is a material, manufacturing or design defect is the state of the art at the time of manufacture. If the product is not have a flawless quality, this will trigger the warranty claim, unless otherwise specified below.
The warranty does not cover
- minor errors. A defect is minor if it does not affect the utility value of the product;
- Wear parts, e.g. seals;
- as well as exhibition products.
A warranty claim does not exist, in particular, if the fault is due to:
- normal wear and tear or intentional damage,
- force majeure or natural disasters, such as floods, fires or frost damage,
- improper use, in particular failure to comply with the supplied operating instructions,
- improper commissioning,
- use of the product for an unintended purpose,
- repair attempts by a third party,
- aggressive chemicals and/or cleaning agents,
- the installation, transport or trial operation of the product.
2. Warranty period
The warranty declaration is valid for a period of 24 months from the first delivery of the product to the customer, but for a maximum period of two years after manufacture (warranty period). The warranty period is not extended due to the provision of services within the scope of this warranty (see 3.). In such cases, the warranty period shall not start afresh. The warranty period shall start afresh if the seller has already replaced the product within the framework of the warranty under sales law.
3. Benefits in the event of a warranty claim
In the event of a warranty claim, the manufacturer exchanges the product concerned for a new product or reimburses the customer for the purchase price. The manufacturer has a choice between replacing the product and refunding the purchase price.
If the manufacturer chooses to replace the product, the old product is replaced by a new product of the same kind, same quality and same type. If the product type in question is no longer manufactured at the time the fault is reported, the manufacturer is entitled to supply a comparable product. The transport, travel, labour and material costs necessary for the replacement shall be borne by the manufacturer.
On the basis of the warranted deceleration, no further services of the manufacturer are provided to the customer (e.g. the payment of damages).
4. Fault indication
The rights under this warranty can be asserted by the customer to the manufacturer or dealer from whom the customer purchased the product (seller) by reporting a defect within the warranty period. The fault indication must at least be in text form (e.g. e-mail). It is also a prerequisite that the customer reports the fault within two months after it has been or should have been detected. The customer is responsible for proving that the notification was made within the warranty period. Proof can be provided, for example, by presenting the proof of purchase.
In as much as the date of manufacture is a decisive factor for the calculation of the warranty period, the manufacturer shall provide corresponding information on the basis of the respective product identification (e.g. on the basis of serial or batch numbers).
5. Legal rights
In addition to the rights arising from the warranty, the consumer is also entitled to statutory rights. The warranty does not restrict the statutory rights of the customer against the manufacturer (e.g. according to the ProdHaftG (Product Liability Law)), nor the statutory rights of the customer against his seller (e.g. the warranty rights).
6. Spatial and time-related scope of validity
The warranty declaration applies to all products that have been handed over to a customer by the seller in a member state of the European Union, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland since 1 January 2018. The date in the proof of purchase is decisive.
Place of Performance, Jurisdiction, and Applicable Law This warranty shall be governed by German law to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) of 11 April 1980. Place of performance for the obligations under this warranty is Berlin, Germany.
Submit warranty claim